How can we live in harmony? First we need to know we are all madly in love with the same God. - Thomas Aquinas

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Saturday, October 29, 2016

3 Reasons Why I love Being a Catholic

Catholics trace its origin from the time Jesus Christ laid the foundation of his Church on St. Peter. The Succession from Jesus Christ to St. Peter believed to be the start of the PAPACY by most of the Catholic faithful. In history, Catholicism flourished when then Roman Emperor Constantine made Christianity legal during his reign through the edict of Milan. The law protects all forms of religion to be practice including Christianity without the fear of being persecuted as it has been in the past years. It is also stated that whatever confiscated belongings of the church shall be returned. Though our history has been marred by violence, persecution, and death -the followers of the Church have grown at an unprecedented rate. The blood of the martyrs laid the foundation of the ministry of Church which has also preserved it to stand the test of time.

Being part of the Faithful in the Catholic Church has been a blessing on my part, though sometimes I am devastated by the scandals that plague the very foundation of this Church but still I opt to remained on my faith for this Church not because I am a bigot but because I know all things are not perfect in this world and that the basic teachings of the Church if you checked it does not contradict the will of God rather it is a teaching coming from God Himself. I also find that doctrines and dogmas are justifiable and rightful in the eyes of God because I have already checked it even the most famous ones where our separated brothers would like to target. Basically, the keyword there is "misunderstanding" -some of the teachings of the Church has been misunderstood by most of our separated brothers.

The Catholic Doctrines Teaches Salvation Occurs Even Outside the Church

Salvation is the ultimate goal of every faithful individual. You can find this dogma in every Christian Churches. The salvation of man is the end of struggle in this cruel world where you can again rejoice in the realm of the Creator.
"He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things, have passed away." Rev 21:4
Salvation is for everyone and that teaching I learned from the Catholic Church. I am not saying that other religion does not teach the same doctrine but what I have encountered based on my experiences is the way Catholic Church delivers the message in a non-hypocritical way. I remember one priest during his homily that he cautioned his parishioner not to feel above everyone else or declare that the Catholic Church have the sole blessing of salvation rather opened the mind of the people to the truth that salvation occurs even outside the boundaries of Roman Catholic Church. I have never heard such humble statement with respect to the other Christian institution instead of which teaches the same dogma and later became arrogant about their faith and then blindly cursed Catholic practices mainly because of their beliefs that it is paganic in nature.

The Catholic Teaching Discourages Debates Instead Promotes Sharing of Ideas
A debate is an exchange of arguments supportive by facts while sharing is a process of communication wherein there is a speaker and a receiver and then vice versa.
Catholic doctrines and dogmas have always been a target of other Christian sects. There are plenty of topics that can be a probable debate issue regarding Catholic Doctrines and Dogma such as the devotion to the Virgin Mary, Prayer offered to the Saints, Rosary, Signing of the Cross etc. The Catholic Church discourages its member to enter into a debate but encourages it to share and defend the teaching of the Church with reverence and love. If one is involved in a heated debate, it would be wise to calm down and not let your emotion take the whole of you. When a member is engaged in a debate, the objective is not to win the souls of the other party via humiliation and expletives but let the Holy Spirit work on it.
"Make me a channel of your peace.
Where there is hatred let me bring your love.
Where there is injury, your pardon, Lord
And where there's doubt, true faith in
you." -excerpt from the Prayer of St. Francis

The Catholic Church as an Institution Stood the Test of Time

The Roman Catholic Church is the world's largest single religious body consisting of approximately 1.196 billion faithful. Roman Catholicism is one of the oldest religions in the world which dates back its origin from the time when Jesus Christ laid its foundation on St. Peter and its ministry started when He gave the keys of heaven to him. From the time of its origin until the present time, the Catholic Church have survived a lot of ordeals from being ruled by unpopular Popes, persecuted by the secular government and facing internal conflicts. The Church has survived it all. Specifically, there are problems that involve hierarchy, doctrines, scandals and many other things that a Church as an institution ruled by fallible men would face. There are also misjudgments done by the Church like that of Joan of Arc and Galileo Galilee in which they were victims of the bigotry of the Church. There is also the Inquisition period where many have perished. It even comes to a point that the Church was so blind and believe that it is the real Church and that no one can be saved except the Catholics.
All of these problems are just part of the maturity of the Catholic Church as a whole. From the ancient problems to medieval until the present times, the Catholic Church have addressed every issue it encounters and learned from it. The justification of Joan of Arc and Galileo, the freeing of Slave, the revision of teachings such as the Vatican I and Vatican II to address present dogmas and doctrines are just a few of the changes that the Church as an institution has done. Catholics, as they say, is a universal religion, meaning it endures all things and see it on a wider view.
I was once lost my faith on this Church and I have been acquainted with the different Churches. I have been involved with Born Again Christians, Baptist, Seventh Day Adventist, Mormons and the Jehovah's witnesses. What made me return were the facts that in every Church that I went to, only the Catholic Church never criticizes other religion and above all respects other belief.
"Lord Jesus Christ, you said to your apostles: I leave you peace, my peace I give you. Look not on our sins, but on the faith of your Church, and grant us the peace and unity of your kingdom where you live for ever and ever." - Communion Rites, passage from the bible.

Personal Experience with the Our Lady

Why Do I Believe in the Virgin Mary
The image from Rome of Our Mother of Perpetual Help

This is a written account why I believe that the Virgin Mary can really help us or intercede for our prayers. It all began with a simple curiosity that leads me to ask about certain things and I was given the answer to it. I believe that God has His workers here and in Heaven and I believe that God has granted them the authority to help us in every way through His consent. As a young Catholic, I never believe in the power of intercession, not until I found out myself. I am not convincing anyone to believe in this account, this was never my intention. I just want to share what The Virgin Mother of God has done to me. Thanks
Novena Prayer :

The Immaculate Heart Of Mary
O Most Blessed Mother, heart of love, heart of mercy, ever listening, caring, consoling, hear our prayer. As your children, we implore your intercession with Jesus your Son. Receive with understanding and compassion the petitions we place before you today, especially ...(special intention).
We are comforted in knowing your heart is ever open to those who ask for your prayer. We trust to your gentle care and intercession, those whom we love and who are sick or lonely or hurting. Help all of us, Holy Mother, to bear our burdens in this life until we may share eternal life and peace with God forever.

The start of my ordeal

Since the death of my father last November 22, 2012, my life really hit the hard bottom. I was broke and at the same, all of my contracts online have been swept away in just a blink of an eye. All were gone and I am left with nothing except my dog who has been a very loyal companion. All of my bills at the end of the month have been coming in and the worst thing that came is the notification that my internet connection has an overdue bill from which it is subjected for disconnection. Working online was the only source of income that I know. I am still studying in college and I could not afford to work full time here at our place due to the nature of work and my studies. It is also very hard to work here, finding a job is like winning a lottery especially if it's a part-time job. There are some instances that the minimum wage imposed by the government is not being followed.

When it Rains, It Pours

One month after the death of my beloved father who has been a great help emotionally and financially. My life was in total chaos, I experience eating porridge for a more than weeks and nothing more. My internet connection which has been a source of my income has been doomed and the inevitable happened - Internet connection has been disconnected. For a whole month of looking for a job online, I received no response and not even the least king of the job had a taste of my services. Within that month, I experience where life has not taken me yet. I experienced begging for assistance with my other sibling, I learned to live without the internet, I learned to eat what is available(rice only menu), I learned to live life without the financial capability to buy anything that is needed in everyday living. I literally became like St. Francis of Assisi, who owns nothing but prayers, which I am also a member of its lay missionary.

Everything Happens For a Reason

God is a great designer and I really believe that in my heart. He let things happened to us just to let us see Who He was and what He can do to us. For those times that I have experience hardship, I have nothing to lean on but God. The pain of losing a father and the life without anything is not really something a normal person wishes to have. My experience though it is not that complex as compared to others is enough for me to call it my own hell.
I always pray to God that time, not a single time that I doubted God nor I was very angry with the Creator. I always remind myself that this thing happens for a reason and it shall pass away. I prayed for the Holy spirit to guide me so that I may know the message of God to me. I know God never abandoned me for He do so, I will no longer be here writing and doing my work.

A Mother is Always a Mother

Most of my life as Christian I am not really convinced that Mother Mary can help us in every way. Though I am Catholic, I am not a devoted one or something I can call a believer of the Catholic Teaching. I always believe that when I pray I pray directly to God and I will not use another person just to intercede for us. I never believe in that thing. What made me changed? One time when my girlfriend came to visit me, who is more religious and more faithful Catholic than me brought a little image with the Virgin Mother on it. It was not her intention to give to me, She just carries on her purse for whatever reason. I was curious so I asked her if she could give to me so that I will pray on it as there was a short prayer at the back of the image and I was confused it she can really help. Actually, it is a short novena prayer, so I prayed to God then I pray that short novena prayer. I ask her to intercede for my prayers that may the Christ listen to it for I believe I have done something wrong and I am not worthy of Christ and of God's Ears. So there I prayed, then the revelation came to me. For only two days that I prayed for that short novena prayer, luck came to me. A deluge of new contracts including my girlfriend's account have been activated and my internet is back(not the usual connection but at least it is back and we have enough money already to avail the usual connection.) As of the moment I am still lavishing on my luck and I really thank the Holy Mother of God who has been a great help to me and of course to God who has the only power to grant whatever petitions I have asked in my prayers and of course the Lord Jesus Christ who is always there for me.
I hope I have at least shared a bit of information that may help you. Thank you for reading this article. God bless us all.

Start Your Devotion Now
It really works for me and I am hoping that you should try to. I meant no offense for those who did not believe but I am encouraging for those who have faith.

Significance of the Holy Bible

The Holy Bible is a collection of sacred scriptures which dates back to the time of Moses at around 3500 years ago. The Bible is composed of the Old and New Testament. The Old testaments differ when it comes to the Protestant Bible and that of the Catholic. Protestant accepts the Masoretic text -books that are used by Jews in Jerusalem while the Catholics are using the deuterocanonical (Septuagint), books used by the Greek-speaking Jews that were living outside of Palestine which includes the books of Tobit, Judith, 1st Maccabees, 2nd Maccabees, Wisdom, Sirach, Baruch, Esther and Daniel. The Old Testament is divided into four parts the Pentateuch, Books of History, Books of Poetry and the Books of Prophets.
The New Testament is composed of 27 books which are categorically divided into four parts The Gospels, History or the Acts of the Apostles, Epistles or letter, and the revelation. The New Testament is just the same for both the Catholics and Protestant.
Catholic101.blogspot.comEarly Christians have not used the same bible that we have right now. The early version of the Bible came when the early church leaders compiled a list of sacred scriptures 350 years after Christianity was created. The Basis for choosing the books that were holy or not was based on the biblical canon which is used to distinguish if the books were divine, apostolic in origin or have been used in the Church teachings. Historically, the new testament has been formed during the Council of Carthage where it was clearly defined on what books are going to be used and read within the Churches.

Did The Bible Originated From God?

As we all know, the bible is a collection of sacred scriptures dating back to the time of Moses. The books were written by the people inspired by God through the Holy Spirit. Notable examples would be the Pentateuch Books and the Gospels. Now, did the bible really originated from God? The answer to this question can only be found on the subject itself -the Holy Bible!
What does the Bible say?
From the Book of 2 Peter 1:20-21
"Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation of things. For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit."
It has been clearly stated that though it has human writers the Bible has a Divine Author. The arguments proposed by some of the skeptics that the bible was of ungodly origins due to the fact that its creation was supervised by a human emperor and it was not handed down literally from God is immaterial and impertinent. God uses people to convey his message and it has been like that throughout history, He protected those people that he had commissioned from errors so as not to distort any of his messages like the prophets in the old times. In the case of those biblical writers, why would not God do the same to them?
The collection of Books to form the Holy Bible is not done overnight but it has been created through the years and not with money or politics as other skeptics claimed. The first list of Scriptures appeared 393 at the council of Hippo which was translated using the old Latin. It was called Vetus Latina a term used for the early Biblical text used by the Church. It was later revised into a newer Latin translation (Vulgates) under St. Jerome who was commission by the Pope at that time.

Was it Corrupted?
I was never aware that the Bible was corrupted and never was in doubt that it indeed remains in its original sense. The Bible was translated many times but its essence remains. Scholars in the past did not just translate it word for word just like what we do in using Google Translate. They translate it in the manner in which how the word falls, how it is being used and the manner it has been said. There are thousands of original manuscripts that can be the basis of what was written in the Bible is still the same, example to these are the Dead Sea Scroll, Vulgates, Armenian etc.
There is no way that what was written in the Bible could be tampered or edited. What was written in the Bible was pure and authentically from the original writings.
Lastly, I firmly believe that there is no God that would just leave his subject to believe in something that is corrupted.
Even the Bible itself can attest that it has not been corrupted.
"I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book."
Revelation 22:18

How I see the Bible.
The Bible has always been a great source of strength for me with respect to spirituality and life but never a tool to condemn other people and other beliefs. It really saddened me a lot that a lot of the other Christians are using the bible for condemnation and debates. It is through the Bible that I learned to respect the different forms of beliefs may it be Protestants, Muslim, Atheist or Deist all are a creation of God. The Bible for me is a tool to supplement my faith and enough evidence that this world existed because of there is one true Creator who became Human for us to be saved.
How I see the Bible is not as a weapon to attack other church but as a bridge to fill in the gap towards my Master and Friend, The Lord Jesus Christ. I see it also not as the only tool for salvation as I believe that Christ came into this world neither as a writer nor an agent of a book publishing company rather as a Preacher of Love.
In Short, the Bible for me is a symbol and reminder of Love and Respect. to God and to Others.
Matthew 22:36-4
"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?"
Jesus replied: " Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."

Monday, August 18, 2014

Does Salvation Require “Faith Alone” Only?

Last night I had the opportunity to talk to one of our separated brothers in faith who happened to be a friend of mine. I have known him for almost 7 years now and we met via the game of chess of which both of us are passionate players of the said sport. We used to play overnight just playing that game but never did we share our beliefs with each other and never had the chance to show our different views regarding doctrines and dogmas of each other’s Christian belief until recently last night we did the inevitable thing.

 My friend is an affiliate of a Christian sect called born again Christians whose core beliefs lies on the premise that one can only be saved by grace through Faith alone in the Lord Jesus Christ and having Him as your Lord and Personal Savior.  As usual, he has reiterated the same line to me when I asked him about the role of good works in the salvation of one soul, if it is needed or not? My friend affirmatively claimed that no one can be saved unless one has the Faith on Jesus Christ. So I asked him how about those people who have not given the chance to know Christ? Are they still damned in hell? Well, he told me that he believe God has worked on them to know Christ. Fast forward, our conversation continued and it ended in a stalemate since none of us are going to back down on our own belief –typical debate between two different world views. To make the story short, our conversation ended in a very good way which I guess is a good example of how two Christians with a different set of beliefs should emulate. We are still friends by the way and no harm done, we laugh our difference off!

This conversation has led me to write a blog about this doctrine of faith held by most of our Protestant brothers, which of course is not new to me since during my college days I have been able to join this sect.  It will also be an opportunity to address some issues as well as share what we Catholics believe regarding justification. I intend not to judge since I myself is subjected to judgment nor I intend to create a wall between our separated brothers rather just to clarify things out and to reach out to them about my stand as a Catholic.

Does Salvation Require “Faith Alone” Only? Or it needs something else to be completed?
For a start, we must clarify first the stand of the Catholic Faith regarding salvation through Justification, Catholic Soteriology or the Catholic teaching regarding salvation believed that by God’s grace we are saved. Most protestants including the Born again sect have held this belief but only differs in the area of  justification since most of them held the views that we are justified by through faith alone compared to the Catholic belief that we are justified by our faith plus good works.

Our protestant brothers, most of them usually would use the verse on Ephesians 2:8-9 which states that
 “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God;  not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.” (NASB)

to support their stand on SOLA FIDE or the faith alone doctrine and to render works(good works) as invalid for justification or shall I say less significant since it is only needed for faith to be fruitful or manifestation of faith . But again I may ask, is faith alone enough? Does the verse really support the SOLA FIDE doctrine? Or was it really taken out of context by the first reformer Martin Luther and its follower up to now? A clearer study on that verse would lead me to a conclusion that unfortunately it doesn’t signify that it is through faith alone that we are justified because if you continue to verse 10 it says

 “ For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.” 

We as a Christian are intended to do good works and we are made to do good works to walk with God. The work that has been stated there means the works of the law of which St. Paul was attacking through most of his epistle, it was perpetrated by the first schismatic group of Christians called the Judaizer –which teaches that in order to be a Christian one must follow first the Jewish customs. The work on that verse is also different from what we perceived as good works which bind together with our faith to attain justification.

Because if that word would be treated as the same “works” with “good works” then we would be facing more problems with the other verses of the bible that would contradict our understanding of the word specifically that of James which stated that Faith without works is dead (James 2:14-26).

Also the only word “faith alone” which is insufficient enough to stand for justification can only be found on James confirming that it is not enough and we need good works (James 2:17). James on his epistle clearly states that Faith and Good works go  together, hand in hand like the body and soul,  they work together as one (James 2:26)

Another contradiction would come from the very same person who wrote the letter to the Ephesians, St. Paul himself who wrote on the book of Romans 2: 6-8

“ He will render to each one according to his works: to those who by patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, he will give eternal life; but for those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, there will be wrath and fury.”

It would be interesting to know if St. Paul was contradicting himself,  but of course we know that the assumption is false.
St. Paul clearly states on his epistle to the Christian communities in Rome the value of good works and its reward provided that we have already established our Faith to Christ.
What St. Paul have said in his letters to the Romans have also been affirmed by the Book of Revelation Chapter 20 verse 12 which states that

“And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to THEIR WORKS.”

Another verse that they use to supplement the sola fide is John 3:16 which states that

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”

But then again it does not signify faith alone because if we go backwards, we need to be born again of water and Spirit to see the kingdom of God ( John 3:3, 3:5) so therefore Faith alone is invalid even to the verses that they will quote.

Those verses that I have stated really affirmed that stand of the Catholic side of Justification that by the Grace of God we are saved and are justified through our Faith and good works. This notion has been clearly specify by Our Church Council at Trent headed by our council fathers whom it had clearly distinguished our stand that we are Justified not on faith alone

"If anyone says that the sinner is justified by faith alone, meaning that nothing else is required to cooperate in order to obtain the grace of justification and that it is not in any way necessary that he be prepared and disposed by the action of his own will, let him be anathema" (Session 6: can. 9).

Or Good works alone

"If anyone says that man can be justified before God by his own works, whether done by his own natural powers or by the teaching of the Law, without divine grace through Jesus Christ, let him be anathema" (Session 6; can. 1).”

but with Faith plus Good works as supported by Scriptures. (John 3:16, Ephesians 2:8-10, Romans 2:6-8, James 2:14-26, Revelation 20:12)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Catholic Use of Icons and Statues

One of the most common misconceptions among the Catholic teaching is the used of sacred images and statues. Most of our Protestant brothers would find it very hard to understand why we used such things when it comes to expressing our faith. Some believed that Catholics have acquired it from their predecessor -the once was pagan Rome and some would just say that Catholics are purely pagan hiding under the cloak of Christianity.

Catholic101.blogspot.comAre Catholics really pagans? Do Catholics have to worship strange gods other than the One True God? Have they violated the commandment of God in Exodus 20:4-6 which states:

"You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments."

If you ask a non-Catholic the answer would be a big "Yes, it is too obvious that Catholics worships images and statues like pagans do. You can see it in their Church, in their homes, the crucifix, the statues of saints and of Mary, and of Jesus and their image thereof."
This would have been a common notion as most of them believe that God has prohibited anything that will represent Him including images and statues (Exodus 20:4-6, Leviticus 26:1, Deuteronomy 27:15 and many others).

On the other side, I once asked a Catholic man before the same context of the question, why do you pray to idols and images? And why do you keep images at home? The answer he has given was "No, I never worship those only God deserves to be adored and worship and yes I keep images for it reminds me that God is real, for every time I woke up in the morning I see them and it inspires and supplements my understanding to the gospels and my faith in God."

Do Catholic Really Worship Images?

If we clearly observed how Catholics used images and statues in their Churches at homes and other religious events, we can definitely say that they are really worshiping the said object which would have been a clear violation of God's commandments about idols and images. But the question poses, are they worshipping it? The answer to that is NO. Why? Because the foundation from which the Catholic Church established Himself is of Jesus Christ. Idolatry is strictly prohibited in the Church Doctrines.

For a better and clearer understanding of how the Catholic Church Teaching on the veneration of sacred images means we shall look into the Catechism of the Catholic Church about what it stands on it.

CCC states that:

The Christian veneration of images is not contrary to the first commandment which proscribes idols. Indeed, "the honor rendered to an image passes to its prototype," and "whoever venerates an image venerates the person portrayed in it." The honor paid to sacred images is a "respectful veneration," not the adoration due to God alone:
Religious worship is not directed to images in themselves, considered as mere things, but under their distinctive aspect as images leading us on to God incarnate. The movement toward the image does not terminate in it as image, but tends toward that whose image it is. (CCC 2132)

Image worship as what our Protestant brothers would say is not what they think it is rather just pure respect of the images due to what it portrays. We do not worship the image rather the one inspired by it as in the Case of Jesus and we give veneration as in the case of the Mary and Saints.

Did God allow the use of statues for worship?

Another doctrinal issue within the Catholic Church teachings that raises the eyebrows of our brothers in different faith is the use of statues within our Church. Did God allow the use of it for worship? The answer is of course very clear in Exodus 20:4-5 which clearly indicates the restriction of worshiping any graven images or carved statues, which is also true to the Catholic teachings as indicated in our Catechism which states:

The first commandment condemns polytheism. It requires man neither to believe in nor to venerate, other divinities than the one true God. Scripture constantly recalls this rejection of "idols, (of) silver and gold, the work of men's hands. They have mouths, but do not speak; eyes, but do not see." These empty idols make their worshippers empty: "Those who make them are like them; so are all who trust in them." God, however, is the "living God" who gives life and intervenes in history. (CCC 2112)

The Catholic stand on the use of statues is purely for religious purposes only as we believe that God did prohibit the worship of any form of statues as it leads to idolatry but in any case, does not prohibit the religious use of it with the exclusion of worshipping such things.

Do the Catholic Teaching Regarding icons and statues have any Biblical Reference?

Of course, there are a lot of passages that supports the use of images and statues which in turn support the Catholics' use of sacred images and statues. One fine example is in the bible passage of the Book of Numbers 21:8(NIV)

The Lord said to Moses, "Make a snake and put it up on a pole; anyone who is bitten can look at it and live."

Here is a vivid example of God using images for religious purposes, we all know that God forbids worshipping of images but in this passage clearly defines that He does not forbid the use of images for religious purposes. The question remains, if in the commandment in the book of Exodus about graven images taken on a strict observance, Is God contradicting Himself? God forbids the creation of images and yet in this passage, He orders his servant Moses to create one.

God is definitely not contradicting any of His teachings even though He commanded us in avoiding the creation of graven images to be worshiped but He does not limit the use of images in religious matter.

Another example is the Ark of the Covenant, it has been designed by God and yet it is designed with Cherubim (Exodus 25: 17-22), people are even worshipping God here but are they worshipping the statues?.

There are other passages that we can see God commanded his people to create statues.
1 Kings 6:23-28, 1 Kings 7:23- 39

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The End of the World in 2012

 Is the world facing its end in 2012? Does humankind nears to its extinction? These are just some of the questions that an ordinary person could ask when someone is confronted with the most contentious issue in our race this year –what is going to happen in Dec 2012? Is it really true that the world will experience massive earthquakes, destructive solar flare, polar shifting etc.? Where does this issue come from and are the sources reliable?

 There is really nothing more polemical year than the year 2012 when you talk about doom’s day event especially that it has been portrayed in movies realistically the imminent destruction of the whole world. It has been prophesized that at the end of this year Dec 21, 2012, the world will face catastrophic events that could change entirely the whole world and the fate of man. These events are believed to wipe out one-third of the current population of the world or worst its end. 

Doom’s day prophecies have already been coextending with man’s civilization since time immemorial. Our ancient fathers have already accepted it as part of their beliefs and culture. Each of which has different version and prediction of what will happen and what might happen during the time of that event. Major religions in the world have their own version too about what will happen to the world when it ends. 


   The Maya or popularly known as the Mayans are the indigenous people living in Southeastern Mexico and some parts of Central America. The Maya created a civilization that is known for its fully develop written a language which is called hieroglyphic, a name was given due to its similarities with the Egyptian hieroglyphics. They are also known for their architecture, art, mathematics, and astronomy. The Mayan civilization flourished during 200 BC until 900 A.D which is divided into 3 stages the Pre-classic period, classic period and post classic period. Due to their accurate astronomy, the Maya people have developed a very accurate calendar system which is similar to what we are using today. It is believed that the Maya deity Itzamna was responsible for teaching them their calendar and the writing system. Now, what is it got to do with the end of the world affair? Well, the Maya have always been the drag to this issue due to their somewhat unofficial prediction of the end of the world. Just an added fact, the ancient Maya have been using an ingenious but complex calendar system which is composed of cycles or counts of different lengths. It is said that through this they have been able to predict the end of times. Their long count calendar has ended on December 21, 2012. 

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